Friday, February 11, 2011

Wil Wheaton's Hunter

Last night I downloaded and read Wil Wheaton's short story Hunter. He's offered it up as a "pay what you want to" thing, which I think will work out great for him. He professed to being nervous about how this story would be received, which I feel was absolutely not warranted. This was a great sci-fi story. Having never read his work (other than his tweets and occasionally, his blog), Hunter was a good intro to what he is capable of. I'm looking forward to reading more of what he's written.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Catching Fire review

Next up in The Hunger Games trilogy is Catching Fire. Katniss and Peeta survived one Hunger Games, now they must survive another! In a terrible twist, they are cast back into the arena, along with other Hunger Games winners. Some great characters are introduced here, Finnick being my favorite I think. There are some behind the scenes things going on that you don't find out until the end, and since I didn't see it coming, it was a pleasant surprise. This sounds cryptic, I know, but I don't want to give away too much.

I really enjoyed this one, not quite as much as the first, but still a good book.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Learning to Crochet

I've been learning to crochet off and on for the last few months, and recently decided it was time to get more serious about it if I really wanted to learn this. Lion Brand's website has some great tutorials on learning to crochet, and on knitting as well, which would be the next thing I'd like to tackle. So far, each type of stitch looks to be pretty easy, and what I was thinking of doing was making a washcloth size piece in each type of stitch to help learn them.

I hope to post some pics soon of things I've crocheted, so keep checking back, and I'll write more about the progress I'm making. In the meantime, if you're interested in learning how to crochet or knit, check out and click on the Learning Center button and check out the videos and other tutorials.

Make today great!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Hunger Games review

My niece told me about The Hunger Games books a couple of months ago and how much she enjoyed them, so I read some reviews on Amazon and then started reading. I'll give each book it's own separate review.

First up is The Hunger Games. Suzanne Collins has created a world where districts offer up "tributes" to compete in The Hunger Games, where they are literally fighting for their lives. Without giving away too much for those who may not have read or heard of these, this book was a pleasant surprise. There were plenty of moments that make you gasp because you do not see them coming.

I loved this book and definitely recommend you give it a read.