Sunday, October 2, 2011

Yikes again!

Wow, I cannot believe that I haven't posted in so long here! I really thought my summer would slow down and there would be more time to get some writing in, but alas, I allowed myself to get sucked into doing other things. Maybe I'll try to commit to posting here once a week and see how that goes for a month or so, then decide on a future posting schedule. One definite step: Farmville usage is getting cut way down. It's really just mindless entertainment, and for every 10 or 20 minutes I spend on that, I feel guilty because that's time that could have been spent reading, writing a blog post, working on a crochet project, or something way more productive than harvesting virtual crops.

I'm also training for a marathon, and that takes up a good bit of time too, so I'll need to be better about how my time is used. I haven't missed too many runs on the training schedule so far, which makes me think that a schedule for other things would be helpful also (like posting on this blog!). Once a week here should definitely be doable. I'm also signed up on, which encourages you to write 750 words every day. That should be a good site to help build a daily writing habit; I've been signed up since mid-September, and so far have missed 3 days, but I signed up for the October challenge, which is just saying that you'll write every day for the month of October, and if you miss a day, your name goes on the Wall of Shame. If you write everyday, your name goes on the Wall of Amazingness (want!). That's my goal for October, write on that site every day, and here once a week.

What are some goals that you've set for yourself recently?